What happens when we allow ourselves to dream, uninhibited? 
What do we create when we don’t stop ourselves
with limitations, doubts and obstacles? 
That’s where endless possibilities unfold
and ripen into reality.


Hi, I'm Farrah

I am deeply devoted to the unlimited
nature we all have within us. 

Our essence is one of clearness, light and awareness.

Every proton in our body is connected to the information of the entire universe.

Humans are innovators, creators.
Our power is our imagination.

Why aren’t we creating a beautiful world—
within and without? 

Why are we living in a world of pain and destruction when we could have paradise? 

Why do we cut ourselves off from all our relations—
the animals, plants, minerals, cycles
and the planet herself? 

It IS a choice. 

Now, we decide to choose differently. 

Join us in the collective envisioning of our resonant, harmonious society via Humanifesta. 

Who am I?

I am a seeker. I am a visionary.
I am a steward of the future. 

I never know, I only ask. 

I question the assumptions.
I question the limiting beliefs. 

I believe in joy. I believe in life. 

I trust cyclical patterns and the universe
and nature’s intelligence above all else. 

When an experiment fails, we begin again. 

Let’s pivot. 
Let’s dance. 
